5 simple ways you can improve the air quality at home

07 Nov 2023

 Do you really think that the air inside your home is clean and safe to breathe?

Chimneys, traffic-clogged cities, factories, etc might be what we picture when somebody says “air pollution”, but few people know that the air quality inside your home can be up to ten times worse than outside.

This sounds scary, and it is, but a lot of air pollution is normal and unavoidable, only becoming a problem when it isn’t taken seriously and is allowed to build up.

Here are 5 simple ways you can improve the air quality in your home:


It might sound obvious but keeping your airflow fresh is the cheapest and easiest way to improve the air quality in your home.

Be particularly careful to keep rooms well-ventilated when using chemical-heavy cleaning or decorating products.

In most of the Indian homes, heating and cooling systems do not allow proper ventilation. A well-ventilated home helps in controlling the indoor air pollution by removing or diluting indoor air pollutants emitted from the indoor sources.  Install exhaust fans in the kitchens and bathrooms to reduce indoor air pollution.


Good quality vacuum cleaners are expensive but they’re a powerful force against dust, pollen and pet hair, all of which can quickly build up and irritate your respiratory system. Vacuum as regularly as you can, including underneath sofas and beds.

Bash cushions, rugs and throws against outside walls to reduce how much dust they’re holding. Change your bedding weekly and wash it at 60 degrees to kill dust  and germs. Keep surfaces clutter-free for frequent dusting and use a damp cloth to trap those pesky particles.



Most people usually try to avoid indoor odors by masking them with artificial fragrances and air fresheners. It simply worsens the problem because the artificial fragrance or air fresheners can harm your health even more. Instead, find the source of the odors and eliminate, and clean the area with homemade cleaners or with baking soda.

Neutralise cooking smells by leaving a bowl of white vinegar in the kitchen overnight or microwaving slices of lemon in water. You could even make your own air freshener by mixing baking soda and lemon juice with hot water and pouring the mixture into an empty spray bottle.


By minimizing clutter, it is easier to manage the accumulation of dust that carry bacteria and fungi which significantly reduces indoor air pollution from these sources.



Plants work wonderfully at getting rid of toxins from the house. Besides, plants are natural and have an esthetic value. On top of that, plants don’t produce noise while purifying the indoor air from toxins. Examples of plants that can help in purification to reduce indoor air pollution include the English ivy, spider plant, Boston fern and peace lily to name a few.


Now that you have a clear idea about indoor air pollution and its effects on your health, you need to take the appropriate steps to reduce indoor air pollution. Improving the quality of indoor air is vital to reduce the chances of a number of harmful diseases.

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Lopaa K Vyas